Emileigh Locke


Emileigh Locke is a board certified assistant behavior analyst (BCaBA) with School Based Behavior Consultation. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Applied Behavior Analysis with minors in Interpersonal Relations and Psychology of Human Development from Ball State in 2021. Her interest in continually learning about and working with individuals living with Autism Spectrum Disorder was inspired by a loved one on the Autism Spectrum. During her undergraduate degree, she worked as a Registered Behavior Technician within the clinic, home, and community settings. After completing her undergraduate degree, Emileigh worked alongside a Board Certified Behavior Analyst in the clinic setting. Emileigh earned her certification as Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst in September 2021 and is expected to earn her Master’s degree in Spring of 2023 and intends on sitting for her Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) exam in the fall of 2023.