Rachel Rigsbee

BCBA, Behavior Coach, Field experience supervision director

Rachel Rigsbee completed her undergrad at Taylor University and graduated in 2007 with a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education. After teaching in a mainstream elementary classroom for 4 years, she decided to pursue working with children with autism and developmental disabilities to learn how to better serve this population and be able to provide more individualized programming to each child. Rachel earned a Master’s in ABA from Ball State University in 2015 and became a BCBA in May 2017. Rachel has worked in the clinic and classroom settings as well as in homes and the community. She has 5 years of experience as a behavior technician, 4 years as a BCBA, and her favorite aspects of ABA include functional language development and the positive impact ABA can have on a family as a whole. She loves being able to support and work alongside families, teachers, and other providers as a team to foster independence and success for an individual. In her free time, Rachel enjoys reading, spending time with family, and hiking with friends.